Langton Homes' 18-home Development on Cold Overton Road.
Following the outline planning application submitted earlier this year (2020/0380/OUT), Langton Homes has now submitted an update to that application (2021/1334/RES). The development is on a site approved in the 2017 Langham Neighbourhood Plan (LNP) and is in line with the growth anticipated for Langham in that Plan. Langton Homes engaged with Langham Parish Council (LPC) at a very early stage and throughout, and made modifications in line with the points made by the LPC Planning Team with reference to the 2017 LNP.
As is usual with any planning application, LPC has responded to both applications with recommendations to RCC - ultimately RCC is the decision-maker and has, to date, approved application 0380/OUT.
Should you wish to read more about these applications, LPC's responses and RCC's decisions, please go to the RCC website under Planning Applications and search for 1334/RES.