Minutes of Parish Council Meetings
The Parish Council holds its meetings ten times a year, usually on the last Tuesday of the month, (no meetings in August or December), at 7-30pm in the meeting room at the village hall. Although the room is quite small members of the public are very welcome to attend and listen to the proceedings.
The Annual Parish meeting is your chance to ask questions, make your point and to support your local councillors. The meeting is held during May, in the large room at the village hall, for more details see the village notice boards or posters.
The council has a policy of publishing its minutes on this page, current minutes are marked “Unapproved”. These remain provisional and are subject to approval at the next meeting. Should you require additional information please contact your local councillor or the Clerk
Minutes can be downloaded from the links below, and, opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software, which is available free of charge for the majority of devices.