Langham Parish Council
Notice and summons to attend Parish Council meeting
Tuesday 17th September 2024 7.30pm
Langham Village Hall
All welcome
- Parishoners' representations:
- Parishoners are invited to make representations on any items of business on the agenda.
- Welcome
- Apologies and approval of absences.
- To receive declarations of member's interests and consider dispensations.
- To approve minutes of last meeting held on 30th July 2024:
- a. Accuracy.
- b. Other Amendments.
- Matters Arising and actions from last meeting, not separately listed in this agenda.
- Clerk's Report - for information only
- a. Wreath for Rememberance Sunday
- b. Grant unding application: police and Crime Commissioner Safety Fund
- c. Treeworks - National Grid
- Correspondence
- a. TTRO-24-125 Footpath E151
- To review and adopt Safeguarding Policy.
- To consider purchase of road name sign for Mickley Lane.
- AutoSpeedWatch - membership and demonstration.
- Community Park:
- a. To consider quoutation to repair zip wire.
- b. Feedback on Community Park Inspection Report - HAGS.
- c. Replacement of Acer tree.
- d. Wind damaged tree.
- e. Survey of trees.
- f. Repairs to 'Swingo'.
- CIL projects:
- a. To consider village sign
- b. To consider rewilding quotations
- Planning matters.
- a. To receive planning applications and decisions since last meeting.
- b. Update on planning matters
- c. local Plan
- Finance
- a. To approve financial summary and bank reconciliation.
- Community Park Inspections - October & November
- AOB.
Helen Duckering, Parish Clerk, 9th September 2024