Langham Parish Church

 Issue 45 – November 2024


Highlights from the most recent meeting of Langham Parish Council
Tuesday November 26th 2024 at Langham Village Hall


LPC meetings are held at Langham Village Hall. Langham residents are welcome to speak before the start of a Parish Council meeting about any items on the agenda and to observe the full meeting. For meeting dates and agendas, see our Village Notice Boards and the Langham Parish Council website,


Flooding: a Flood Plan for Langham: pending receipt of further information following RCC’s recent ‘Flooding Summit’, Langham Parish Council has formed its own Flood Committee which is finalising a flood plan for Langham. A Personal Flood Plan has already been made available on the LPC Website, and volunteers to act as Flood Wardens are being sought – again, further information is available on the website.

Riparian owners: following contact from LPC, Severn Trent Water Authority have agreed to clear the brook adjacent to the pumping station by the bridge on Church St. STWA have yet to carry out the work and will be reminded of their obligation.

Community Infrastructure Levy CIL update: LPC currently has about £8000 to spend from a levy on new houses built in the village, representing 25% of the CIL amount charged by RCC. At the November meeting councillors agreed to spend the CIL money as follows:

A Village sign for Langham: planning permission may be required and an insured contractor to install the sign.
Rewilding of verges: an initial trial of different methods such as seeded turf, cut and clear and native seed and just cut and clear is planned for Manor Lane and, subject to the success of the trial, further plantings will be made elsewhere. Monthly reports of progress, together with photos, will be provided on the LPC website.
Sign for Mickley Lane, an unadopted footpath: to be installed shortly.
Munday’s Close wildlife pond project: a grant for the purchase of a pond liner, slate and plants was agreed.

Persimmon 50 house development, Cold Overton Road: the public consultation event was held on November 19th for the Persimmon Homes (Charles Church) development of 50 houses. There is no apparent progress on the Langton Homes 18 homes development on the adjacent site.

Solar farm near Whissendine: Langham Parish Council have been made aware of a cross-boundary planning application for a ground mounted photovoltaic solar farm with a capacity of up to 49.99 MW together with associated equipment, infrastructure and ancillary works at Land South of The A606, Land To The East of Stygate Lane And North Of The A606, West of Pickwell Lane.

Date of next meeting: 7.30pm on Tuesday 28th January 2025



A summary of Planning Applications and LPC Planning Committee recommendations since the October 2024 LPC meeting – ( for full details )


New Planning Applications



Planning Decisions:


2024/1116/CAT Mayes Cottage, 43A Manor Lane Pollard 1 no. Acer re-pollard this 3m to the original pollard points. (Approximately 3m reduction). Variegated Holly - reduce the crown by 50% to reduce shading to the house.
Granted 04/11/24


2024/1057/FUL 21 Ruddle Way: Proposed garage conversion into self-contained ancillary annexe.
Granted 06/11/24


2024/1091/FUL 13 Well Street: Monocouche render to cover existing brickwork to the front elevation. Replacement of up and over garage door with new roller shutter garage door.
Granted 06/11/24


2024/0928/FUL Sewerage Treatment Works, Mickley Lane: Proposed installation of 1 no. new kiosk required to house Motor Control Centre (MCC) equipment within Severn Trent's existing operational Sewage Treatment Works site at Langham.
Granted 08/11/24


2024/1110/CAT 58 Burley Road: Fell 2 no. Pine trees.
Granted 08/11/24


2024/1134/CAT 11 Fairfield Close: 1 no. Sycamore (T1). Remove to ground level.
Granted 14/11/24


2024/0956/FUL 15 Manor Lane: Proposed single storey side extension and a detached swimming pool & pool enclosure in the rear garden.
Granted 15/11/24


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