Outcome of meeting with RCC Highways on 14 October 2019
Pedestrian hazard from A606 in Langham
Presentation by Langham Traffic Group
to Rutland County Council
Meeting 14th October 2019
Langham Village Hall
Recap of issues
- Nov 17 Document submitted by Langham
- Dec 18 Integrated Transport Feasibility Study
– ICTP 2017-12 A606 Langham
- In summary - three main issues highlighted
- A606 Langham complex road layout
- Volume of traffic
- Fear of pedestrians
Challenging layout of Langham / A606
- Vehicle at 30mph = 13.4 ms-1
- A606 road width approximately 8m
- Average adult walking speed 1.2 ms-1
- Average walking speed for male > 65 yrs = 0.9ms-1, for female = 0.8ms-1
– Asher L. Most older pedestrians are unable to cross the road in time: a cross-sectional study. Age and Ageing 2012; 41: 690–694
Time required to cross A606 based on assumptions:
- For average adult, 8m @ 1.2 ms-1 = 6.7s, not including decision time.
- For older male >65 years, 8m @ 0.9 ms-1 = 8.8s, not including decision time.
- For older female >65 years, 8m @ 0.8 ms-1 = 10s, not including decision time.
- Physically impaired persons and those with young children will also take longer than average adult time of 6.7s
From LTN 1/95 guidance
Acceptable Gap
An acceptable gap in which to cross, from kerb to kerb (or refuge), varies from person to person. The majority of pedestrians will accept a gap of 4-6 seconds at normal urban vehicle speeds to cross two lanes of traffic and even shorter gaps at slow vehicle approach speeds. Other groups may require somewhat larger gaps, of around 10 to 12 seconds or even longer. For these reasons the waiting times for various gap durations should be established for all types of users.
Poor visibility for crossing pedestrians – reduces safe time to cross
A606 / Cold Overton Road junction, 90° bend – visibility reduced to 10m each way
30mph = 13.4m/s giving
A606 from Melton looking towards Cold Overton Road, footpath over to Church street
Approx. 50m line of sight for pedestrian. Vehicle appears at end of line of sight travelling at 30mph or 13.4 ms-1 (e.g. for rapid accelerating car out of bend) = 3.8 seconds to cross road.Insufficient time for adult at average walking speed
A606 / Burley Rd junction. Reduced bi-directional line of sight due to 90° bend. 270° visual scan required by pedestrian - more complex and takes longer
A606 / Burley Rd junction – crossing at peak time am.
{Insert pics here }
Absent pavement along stretches A606 in Langham – pedestrians have no option but to cross A606
Volume of traffic A606 Langham
Mean traffic volume
- 2000 Circa - 6,500 per day
- 2014 Circa - 8,000 per day
- Dec 17 - 9,845 per day
- RCC traffic count Dec 17
- Speed Survey 1
Max traffic volume
- Dec 17 - 12,144 per day
- RCC traffic count 8 Dec 17
- Speed Survey 1
Peak time traffic volume
- 590 vehicles 0830-0900 (RCC)
- 1122 vehicles 0700-0800 31/10/17
Fear of pedestrians
In the Langham Neighbourhood Plan Survey of 2014, there were 329 comments relating to speed, volume and noist of traffic on the A606
- Are there any changes needed - 110 comments
- What I dislike about Langham - 128 comments
- Key things to be improved - 84 comments
- Any additional comments - 7 comments
That's 43% of all comments in a survey covering 6 separate issues - not just roads.
Example comments
- 'Dangerous corner for traffic turning right from A606 into Burley Road'
- 'Main road is dangerous'
- 'Take charge of A606 through the village'
- 'Traffic calming on A606' (3 comments)
- 'Access to Melton Road from Manor Lane is 'hair-raising''
- 'Something needs to be done about the speed, volume and noise of traffic on the A606'
Ongoing online petition. Views replicated in survey 2017. Langham PC continuing to receive similar feedback from residents.
New issues arising since Nov 17
- Change within the village and wider
- Comparison with other sites
Change within the village and wider
RCC Delivery report 2001-2006 (May 06) shows Langham A606 refuge (bottom left).
Traffic levels risen dramatically since
Mean traffic volume
- 2000 Circa - 6,500 per day
- 2014 Circa - 8,000 per day
- Dec 17 - 9,845 per day
- RCC traffic count Dec 17
- Speed Survey 1
Traffic levels risen dramatically since A606 Langham refuge depicted 2000-2006
Ongoing growth in Oakham
3 x houses Cold Overton Road near completion
Ongoing growth in Ranksborough
Forecasted houses for Cold Overton Road
Melton Bypass confirmed