Langham Parish Church

Policy VC3: Street Character

The village is a rural community whose street scene reflects its countryside location. Features characteristic of the village such as walls, grass verges, low banks and mature trees will be safeguarded and reflected in new developments. Any work on the following must preserve this unique rural character:

  1. Boundaries and Driveways
    1. new and replacement walls will reflect the materials, type of construction and proportions of existing/nearby walls; the use of fences as front boundaries will be avoided;
    2. any mud building or wall will be maintained and preserved;
    3. the many existing ironstone and brick walls will be safeguarded and reflected in new developments;
    4. the use of traditional materials such as gravel for driveways will be encouraged throughout the village. Impermeable materials such as tarmac are not acceptable in the Conservation Area with Article 4 Direction.
  2. Pavements, verges & hard edging
    1. Pavements and grass verges will be maintained  to their    original    width    (unless    their narrowness causes a safety issue). The varied verge and path widths will be safeguarded and used as style examples in new developments;
    2. where hard edging is necessary, stone sets must be used wherever physically possible, in keeping with the village style;

future developments must include pathways linking them to the rest of the village

    1. Traffic signage and management:
      1. traffic calming measures  must  be  in sympathy   with   the   village   character;
      2. urbanisation of the village's roads will be discouraged (except where   safety is  an  issue);  examples  include proliferation of road signs, creation of one-way streets and pavements on narrow lanes.
    2. Lighting:
      1. the number of street-lights must allow for safety without causing urban lighting levels;
      2. street lighting supports will reflect the village character unless a safety issue prevents it;
      3. only energy efficient lighting will be acceptable.
    3. Street furniture:
      1. all street furniture must be in keeping with the look of the village and in sympathy with existing furniture;
      2. the litter bins  will  all  be  of traditional  construction,  for  example  in metal.
    4. Advertising:
      1. display of advertisements in the Conservation Area will not be accepted where they would detract from the character or street scene and/or would prejudice public safety;
      2. advertisements in the countryside will not be accepted unless they are on the building or within the curtilage of the business to which they refer, are small, muted in colour and design, unilluminated and not detrimental to the landscape.

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