Langham Parish Church

Policy VC1: Important Open Green Spaces

  1. In accordance with Policies CS23 and SP21 no further development will be permitted on protected Open Green Spaces & Frontages within the Planned Limits of Development (see Figure 8.2), including specifically Penman’s Field and Munday’s Close.
  2. Frontages to new developments and existing properties, including gardens, will be in keeping with existing development and shall reflect the character of the area. Hedges and walls are typical whereas fencing is not acceptable.
  3. Those views within the village that are protected will be preserved such that any development that could block or significantly impede or spoil the view will not be allowed. These include;
    1. views of the parish church and churchyard;
    2. views of Langham and the church from the A606;
    3. views identified in Figure 8.3
      1. View 1 The village and church from Manor Lane across the paddocks at the rear of 48 & 50 Well St.;
      2. View 2 The Bowling Green from Manor Lane, tucked behind a wicker gate, with church beyond;
      3. View 3 The Church St. bridge to Well St. which incorporates the brook and its banks, with the church and old houses;
      4. the brook, including the maintenance of the natural state of its paths and banks which are visually important.

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