Policy RS1: Landscape Character
The landscape character of the countryside within the parish boundaries (Figure 0.1), including arable and grazing land belonging to landowners, will be safeguarded, and rural views preserved.
Any development, residential or commercial, permanent or temporary, which might change the nature of Langham’s rural setting and character, or that will fundamentally alter or block the countryside views is not acceptable. This to be achieved by:
- safeguarding and protecting the open landscape and setting of the village by ensuring any necessary development is restricted to the outer edge of the PLD and is of a size, location and nature to minimise the impact on the appearance and public enjoyment of the countryside;
- protecting the routes of footpaths, bridle paths and Public Rights of Way as defined by the RCC Definitive Map in order that the community enjoyment of these walks and rides is not spoiled. At the same time, seeking opportunities to link pathways;
- safeguarding protected views, specifically the various panoramas from the village including [1] Mill Hill, [2] Ranksborough Hill [3] Loudall Lane (Figure 8.3);
- ensuring that any fencing, new or replacement, is of post-and-rail style rather than close boarded or metal and that any gates, new or replacement, are wooden or metal 5-bar style.