Policy SG3: Site Allocation
Any development application must be accompanied by a thorough Design and Access Statement (DAS), will be assessed on its merits and will be accepted only if it meets the density, design, demographic and energy requirements of this Plan. Those sites that will be considered for development are solely, in order of priority:
- 1. LNP01 & 03 within the PLD;
- 2. LNP04 on the edge of the PLD;
- 3. previously developed sites, not of high environmental value, on the edge of the PLD (west, north and east only) that meet the ‘Brownfield Site’ criteria of RCC;
- 4. LNP06 & LNP14 to be considered for larger developments;
- 5. this plan further supports LNP17 for additional small business units.
No other site is considered acceptable and will not be accepted.
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