Langham Parish Church

Policy VC2: Gardens and Verges

1. The important contribution to the character of Langham made by front gardens must be considered in any planning application to ensure that the open character of the garden and the green and lush features of the village’s street scene is retained.

2. Special protection must be afforded to those gardens of listed buildings including, but not limited to:

  • a. the land surrounding the Manor House;
  • b. the grounds of the Old Hall;
  • c. the front garden of The Limes.

3. All trees are afforded protection in the Conservation Area of Langham with Article 4 Direction. Felling or excessive work will require planning permission.

4. There are certain trees in Langham Village that are afforded additional protection and these cannot not be felled or damaged without the instruction of the Forestry Commissioner. These include:

  • a. those on RCC’s list of trees with Tree Protection Orders;
  • b. the trees in Royale Ranksborough Parks and along Ranksborough Drive;
  • c. trees at the junction of the A606 and Ranksborough Drive.

5. Whilst all ancient hedgerows and verges must be maintained, special attention will be paid to the conservation of :

  • a. the remaining hedge that defines the Planned Limits of Development of the village;
  • b. the hedge and verge of Penman’s Field;
  • c. the northern verge on Manor Lane near Ashwell Road;
  • d. hedges that feature as frontages to gardens, public footpaths and roads that help define the character of the street.
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