Local Plan Constraints Map
Solar Farm Update - May 2024
Link to Scottish Power Renewables website for Ranksborough Solar Farm
Issue 42 – July 2024
Highlights from the most recent meeting of Langham Parish Council
Tuesday July 30th 2024 at Langham Village Hall
LPC meetings are held at Langham Village Hall. Langham residents are welcome to speak before the start of a Parish Council meeting about any items on the agenda and to observe the full meeting. For meeting dates and agendas, see our Village Notice Boards and the Langham Parish Council website, https://www.langham-pc.gov.uk.
Community Park Burley Road hedge and fence: earlier this year a temporary gate was installed to fill the gap in the Park’s hedge along Burley Road. This is not an official access to the Park and its on-going use has safety implications. LPC therefore recently replaced the temporary gate with permanent fencing and a new hawthorn hedge as a safety measure to deter children from easy access to a busy road, and as a deterrent for access from Burley Road. However, unfortunately this new planting has been trampled. Replacements will be planted, together with additional fencing.
Community Infrastructure Levy CIL update: LPC has about £8000 to spend from a levy on new houses built in the village, representing 25% of the CIL amount charged by RCC. If not spent by October, the money must be returned to RCC.
- Village sign: The creation and installation of a Village sign, as discussed at the recent Annual meeting, is considered an appropriate use of CIL funds and the intention is to use the current amount for this purpose. LPC are keen to involve both the local History Group and Langham Primary School in the design of the project, and to use a local manufacturer to produce the sign. Costs are currently being researched.
- Wildflower verges: following a report from Councillor Besant on the management and renewal of Langham’s wildflower verges, it was agreed that the results of the project to date have not been all that was hoped for. Now, the Church Street/Well Street verge is to be returned to the normal cutting schedule, while Ashwell Road and Manor Lane are to be completely cut back, scarified and either re-seeded or re-turfed with wildflower turf. Councillor Besant is obtaining quotations/advice on the best way to carry out and manage the work.
Speeding: as reported previously LPC SpeedWatch surveys which have revealed numerous instances of speeding on the A606 and in the village as a whole but action from the relevant authorities to help resolve the issue has been limited. LPC has now joined Auto Speed Watch Alliance Rutland (ASWAR), an organisation which is currently lobbying Rutland County Council and other local authorities to accept and take action based on data collected from community owned speed monitoring devices. As RCC’s programme to replace speed indicator devices SIDs has now commenced LPC have asked RCC if data collected from the new devices in Langham can be shared. The portfolio holder for Highways is making enquiries
Replacement apple tree for Squires Close: the original tree was removed without permission, but now, as agreed with RCC, is to be replaced with an alternative species in the same location.
Floor-standing bin for Ranksborough Hall: following approval of the site by RCC, the installation, on a shared-cost basis, of a large floor-standing bin at Ranksborough has been agreed by Ranksborough Hall and LPC.
RCC Local Plan: Rutland County Council is in the process of finalising its Local Plan which is due for publication early next year. Their intention is to seek consideration and approval for public consultation on the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19 consultation) during September, with public consultation following from end October to mid December. There will be a briefing for local councils in early September
Date of next meeting: 7.30pm on Tuesday 17th September 2024
A summary of Planning Applications and LPC Planning Committee recommendations since the March 2024 LPC meeting – (https://publicaccess.rutland.gov.uk for full details )
New Planning Applications
2024/0721/CAT - Ivey House, 16 Bridge Street.
Fell 3m high dead False Pear Willow (honey fungus). The tree is dead, and needs to be removed, particularly if it has honey fungus.
Recommend Approval
2024/0735/FUL - Serendene 16 Cold Overton Road
Proposed two storey rear extension. As Highways have now given their approval to revised plan re access, turning room, etc. and other previous issues have been resolved, the proposal now would seem to be acceptable.
Recommend approval
2024/0754/CAT - Church Cottage 33 Well Street
Reduce Common ash (T1) to a height of 9 metres from ground level and pull the overextended branches in from the sides to clear owners property and bring the tree back under control. The tree in question has grown very large and needs the remedial work proposed, to be carried out by a qualified arborist, to bring it under control.
Recommend Approval.
Planning Decisions:
2024/0525/FUL 2 Harewood Close.
Composite cladding to front and rear walls of link extension.
Granted 24/06/24
2024/0574/CAT 21 Ruddle Way.
T1 and T2 Lime trees to have branches over next door reduced in by no more than 3 metres and epicormic removal up to 5 metres in height from ground level.
Granted 27/06/24
2024/0582/CAT 17 Ruddle Way. T1 Lime tree and T2 Yew to have branches over next door reduced in by no more than 3 metres over neighbouring garden. Epicormic growth removed off T1 Lime up to 5 metres from ground level.
Granted 27/06/24
2024/0576/CAT 19 Ruddle Way.
T1, T2, T3 Lime trees to have branches over next door reduced in by no more than 3 metres. Epicormics removed from T1 T2 and T3 up to 5 metres from ground level.
Granted 27/06/24
2024/0533/DIS Clonmel Farm, Cold Overton Road.
Discharge of Condition 3 (scheme of sustainable surface water drainage) of application 2021/1417/FUL approved under Appeal 2022/0021/APPEAL - Retrospective planning application for construction of an agriculture building and solar panels.
PLANNING PERMISSION REF: 2021/1417/FUL (2022/0021/APPEAL) 04/07/24
2024/0571/FUL 3 Fairfield Close.
Section 73 Application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning application 2021/1413/FUL - Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension.
Granted 02/07/24
2024/0460/LBA 22 Church Street.
Single storey rear extension. Replacement windows. Internal and external refurbishment works.
Granted 03/07/24.
2024/0525/FUL 1 Harewood Close.
Garage conversion to home office including raising roof height. Single storey side extension and addition of roof to car port. Composite boarding to walls of first floor link on front and rear elevations.
Granted 08/07/24.
2024/0537/FUL Church Cottage, 33 Well Street.
Proposed replacement windows and doors.
Granted 08/07/24.
2023/1233/FUL The Noel Arms, 2 Bridge Street.
Change of use from public house to residential including parking and amenity space.
Granted 09/07/24.
Langham Allotments
The Langham Allotments are located between Burley Road, Langham Community Park and Munday's Close wildlife area. They are owned by Langham Parish Council but leased to Langham Gardeners Association (LGA) for a peppercorn rent. The day to day management of the allotments is conducted by LGA. If you have any queries about the allotments please contact LGA
Burial Ground Guidelines
- All Grave space to be left without kerbstones.
- Maintenance of the memorial is the responsibility of the grave owner. Langham Parish Council (LPC) contractors will maintain the lawn area and fencing.
- Single headstones can be erected but not to exceed 122cms (4 ft.) in height, a wooden cross may be placed at the head of grave as a temporary measure only.
- Headstone to be either black, white or natural stone.
- Text must be approved by Langham Parish Council.
- Pots only on headstones.
- Plants and shrubs should be potted only and not planted in the ground.
- Seasonal or anniversary memorabilia may be placed at the head of the grave plot or secured to the headstone with natural materials.
- The owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial (purchaser of the plot) is responsible for removing any memorabilia after a reasonable time. Langham Parish Council will remove items after two months as part of our routine maintenance works.
- Cremation plaques are not to exceed 46cms (18 inches) square and only in black, white or natural stone.
Please Note
Due to the rural location rabbits will graze flowers and grass, this is something that LPC have no control over.