Old News
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Langton Homes' 18-home Development on Cold Overton Road.
Following the outline planning application submitted earlier this year (2020/0380/OUT), Langton Homes has now submitted an update to that application (2021/1334/RES). The development is on a site approved in the 2017 Langham Neighbourhood Plan (LNP) and is in line with the growth anticipated for Langham in that Plan. Langton Homes engaged with Langham Parish Council (LPC) at a very early stage and throughout, and made modifications in line with the points made by the LPC Planning Team with reference to the 2017 LNP.
As is usual with any planning application, LPC has responded to both applications with recommendations to RCC - ultimately RCC is the decision-maker and has, to date, approved application 0380/OUT.
Should you wish to read more about these applications, LPC's responses and RCC's decisions, please go to the RCC website under Planning Applications and search for 1334/RES.
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Abstraction of water from Langham Brook
The brook running through Langham is owned by each riparian property and we thank each of you for fulfilling your responsibiites with regard to the maintenance of the bank and water course.
The recent warm, dry spell has left the water level very low and we felt it was important to remind riparian owners that, whilst the abstraction of water up 20cubic metres per day or less does not require a licence from the Environment Agency, amounts in excess of this may do so and should be referred to them.
A reminder of riparian duties:
- Pass on the flow of water without obstruction, pollution or diversion affecting the rights of others.
- Maintain the bed and banks of the watercourse and to clear any debris, whether natural or artificial, to keep any culverts, rubbish screens, weirs and mill gates clear of debris.
- Be responsible for protection of land from flooding and cause no obstructions, temporary or permanent, preventing the free passage of fish.
- Accept flood flows even if caused by inadequate capacity downstream, but there is no duty to improve the drainage capacity of a watercourse.
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Dog Waste Bins
Did you know....if you are walking your dog you can put bags of dog waste in the normal litter bins! Current RCC policy is not to provide dedicated dog waste bins